#TheDailySpin: Sorry, Jelly—peanut butter prices are soaring
It used to be choosy moms who chose Jif. Now, it’s probably just rich moms. Plus, Gillette ends its 20-year relationship with Porter Novelli; horrible product launches; are you the 53 percent?; and more.
Speaking of new relationships, Ketchum has been named the agency of record for P&G’s Gillette business, ending the brand’s 20-year PR rapport with fellow Omnicom sister agency Porter Novelli.
Severed ties between NBA players and owners seemed to intensify when the league announced it would cancel the first two weeks of the season due to the current lockout, prompting many players to take their responses to Twitter.
And the one might even be eyeing the NFL. Maybe he’d finally get a ring there.
Following the announcement it would implement a monthly debit card fee, Bank of America hopes to recast its image with a new marketing scheme aimed at the company’s charitable and small business works.
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