The winner of our Grammar Day Limerick Contest is …
A wellspring of wit, a corn-ucopia of groaners, frivolity in five lines.
A wellspring of wit, a corn-ucopia of groaners, frivolity in five lines.
There once was a Ragan promotion:
“Express your linguistic devotion
To mark Grammar Day.”
And the floodgates gave way
As the entries rushed in like the ocean.
— Norm de Plume
What an abundance of cleverness. More than 100 entries came in, some with multiple stanzas.
Grammar Day was supposed to be a glorious, festive holiday — and you made us work way too hard. It was like hosting a huge party; we were glad to do it, but it was far more labor intensive than we’d figured on. Honestly, we had a blast.
A note of thanks to Mignon (Grammar Girl) Fogarty, who offered a copy of one of her wonderful books as a prize in case we wanted to hold a Grammar Day contest. That got our wheels turning, and the contest was born.
In addition to a book, the winner will receive complimentary admission to our Advanced Writing & Editing workshop (not that she needs it, ahem), or a Webinar of her choosing.
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