Should you promote clients on your social media accounts?
Several PR pros weigh in on whether it’s cool to give your client props on your Twitter feed or blog, and if you do, how it should be disclosed.

Several different phrases were bandied about. (I tend to think a simple “[client]” inclusion is just fine.) Ultimately, it’s a simple equation: If you work for an agency or you’re a consultant, you disclaim the relationship every time when using social accounts. No questions. No excuses. Every time. Period.
But some agencies/consultants still aren’t heeding those guidelines. Check out this example of a media win that one high-profile agency was promoting via its Twitter account recently (I blurred out the agency name/avatar to protect the “innocent”):
The bigger question is whether agencies and consultants should promote their clients on social media platforms. The other day I asked this question on Twitter and received a number of interesting responses.
Among them:
@arikhanson Be tactful, non-spammy and make sure it’s something worth promoting (do so sparingly). Be proud of your work.
— Kasey Skala (@kmskala) October 29, 2012
I agree. If sharing it’s a “point of pride,” I see no problem with agencies sharing client results/work (in moderation).
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