Deadline approaching: Share your opinion on brands taking stands NOW
Ragan and Peppercomm survey will illuminate the effects of brands taking stands.

From gun control to abortion and beyond, organizations of all sizes and industries are being called upon to take stands on issues that were once confined to the realms of politics. Internal and external stakeholders demand responses to these challenges, and each organization must find a way to adapt. Their responses can deeply shape how all stakeholders view the character of organizations — and can influence buying and employment decisions.
To better understand these new demands, Ragan and industry partner Peppercomm are seeking responses from senior comms pros like you for our Corporate Character Barometer. After completing this short survey, you’ll receive both a full set of responses, when available, as well as a coupon for $150 off any Ragan or PR Daily product or service.
Your responses are confidential, and all results will be anonymized. Please share your thoughts by September 7.
Thank you for helping the industry adapt and evolve.