PR Daily Webinar On Demand

Proving the Value of PR to the C-suite

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PR is about your reputation and it is key to your brand’s success. But without a direct tie-in to revenue performance, PR can often be taken for granted by the C-suite.

What gets measured gets managed, but presenting the C-suite with a series of black-and-white data points about impressions, reach and even engagement doesn’t cut it — PR has to convey business impact and a clear contribution to growth. Whether it’s your earned media successes or how you mitigated a crisis, your ability to prove the value of your role is more important than ever.

Watch this PR Daily on-demand webinar for strategies to clearly demonstrate the value of PR to your organization and prove why PR deserves a seat at the decision-makers’ table and a larger slice of the budgetary pie.

Our 90-minute program will give you real solutions, practical strategies and a framework for positioning and proving the value of PR.


Talk the Talk: Build Your Business Acumen and Speak the C-Suite’s Language

To prove your worth, you need to understand what conversation to have. You will walk away from this session with practical tips on how to ensure you’re speaking the language leaders value most: contributions to the bottom line and the organization’s mission. You’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the Business: You can’t align your goals with the C-suite’s until you understand how the organization makes money – and how your actions contribute to it
  • Speak Their Language: Learn the vocabulary leaders use every day to discuss finances and how to adapt it to tell PR’s unique story.
  • Articulate AI’s Role in Your Future: With generative AI the elephant in the room, discover how to leverage AI to bolster PR’s position within the organization.
  • Tie PR Goals to Business Objectives: Learn how to connect PR strategy to business goals including market expansion, brand positioning, competitive landscape and product uptake.
  • Learn From Marketing: PR and marketing are closely aligned but marketing more often gets the kudos because it shows a direct relationship with growth. Execs who wear both marketing and comms hats demonstrate how they’ve been able to apply a more stringent business framework to their comms efforts and benefit as a result.
Communications Director for the Office of the Vice President for Government Relations
University of Michigan
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Director of PR
American Cornhole League
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Chief Communications & Marketing Officer
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority/ Metro Transit System
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The Metrics That Matter

Not all metrics are created equal, especially when it comes to making the business case. Take a deep dive into the emerging metrics that need to be part of your plan to impress the C-suite and why, as well as which metrics that you should probably sunset as part of your push to demonstrate value. We’ll uncover:

  • Assigning the Right KPIs: Why you should have solid numbers on share of voice, UTM site traffic, media mentions and more. Plus how to surface this data.
  • The New Dashboard: Examples of PR Dashboards that will guide you and your team to success.
  • Case Study: How to identify and match the right KPIs to different types of PR campaigns, from media relations to crisis to brand launch initiatives.
Assistant Vice President of Public Relations
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Crafting Your Narrative: A Template

You now know WHAT to talk about but HOW you talk about it is still fundamentally important to demonstrating the value of PR. In this session, we’ll leave you with step-by-step directions for,

  • Creating Your Case Study: How to develop an effective case study that showcases how PR (and you and your team) are part of the business solution.
  • Fielding Questions: How to address the most common questions the C-suite poses to PR.
  • Sample decks: Examples of PR presentations that wowed the C-suite.
Senior Manager, Public Policy Communications
General Motors
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Top 5 Takeaways
Don't miss this unique opportunity!

Top 3 things you’ll learn:

  • Understanding how to tie PR to business results.
  • How to present your work to the C-suite.
  • Insights from real-world examples of PR professionals who have earned that seat that the table.


Chief Communications & Marketing Officer
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority/ Metro Transit System
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Assistant Vice President of Public Relations
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Director of PR
American Cornhole League
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Communications Director for the Office of the Vice President for Government Relations
University of Michigan
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Senior Manager, Public Policy Communications
General Motors
Read bio

MODERATOR: Isis Simpson-Mersha, Reporter/Conference Producer, Ragan Communications READ BIO

Join us for Proving the Value of PR to the C-suite.

Registration $375
Nonprofit/Gov/Edu Registration $350
Ragan Insider Registration $325

Group pricing for 3 or more is available when going through the registration process!


Here’s what past attendees are saying about Ragan and PR Daily Events!


You should watch this webinar if you spend at least a quarter of your time in any of these areas:

Public Relations • Media Relations • Marketing • Brand Marketing • Reputation Management • Crisis Communications • Exernal Communications • Issues Management • Social Media • Storytelling 


For questions, please contact customer service at or by calling 800-878-5331.