Politico’s Marianne Levine shares her experience covering Capitol Hill
The reporter talks with host Lisa Camooso Miller about her time covering national politics—and how hard it is to track down old episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Marianne Levine covers the U.S. Senate for Politico and is undoubtedly one of the best networked reporters host Lisa Camooso Miller has ever met. She is great at connecting with sources—even when there is not a pending story—and knows the value of staying connected.
Levine hails from California and tells terrific stories about how her early experiences impressed on her the value of just showing up, how it built trust and helped her understand the dynamics of various government institutes.
Tune in to hear about how difficult it is to track down old episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show—and how Levine’s exceptional reporting uncovered a Washington, D.C. scandal that led to the withdrawal of a cabinet secretary nomination.
Listen to all episodes of The Friday Reporter podcast here.