Boeing and FAA face tough questions on approval process
After crashes of Boeing’s 737 Max model have grounded the plane globally, safety experts are asking how the plane was developed and tested—and calling out poor practices.
After crashes of Boeing’s 737 Max model have grounded the plane globally, safety experts are asking how the plane was developed and tested—and calling out poor practices.
While journalists are intrepid in their pursuit of the truth, everyone makes mistakes. Here’s how to go about asking for a correction or a retraction without upsetting the apple cart.
The company faces more than 13,000 lawsuits claiming there’s asbestos in its talcum powder, posing serious risk to its image and financial future. How should it proceed?
Whether you’re stuck on a dull assignment from your execs or you can’t find a topic for that external blog, journalists’ techniques can dynamite the logjam.
Plenty of things can foment ennui—even turmoil—in the workplace. Try these approaches to revitalize your employees and get your organization back on the right track.
How you address devastating news can make the difference between being able to come back and being trapped in a cycle of scandal and backlash. Here’s how to avoid the trap.
Many are sharing colorful digital banners and inspirational quotes on multiple channels, but some see the marketing messages as inauthentic and ineffective. What were the best tactics?
These tips can save time, ratchet up productivity and even elevate staff morale. The Chatty Chucks and Interrupting Ivans might be a bit put out, though. (Have them email you about it.)
While a web presence is essential to getting brand awareness and acquiring sales leads, some web design faux pas signal that your organization isn’t ready for primetime.
Many organizations try to “stay above the fray” when responding to spurious allegations, but sometimes you must speak out. Consider these tips.
Address where your culture and strategy clash, ensure your execs are hearing raw opinions, and commit to long-term change.
With brand managers seeing shrinking returns on platforms like Facebook, some might be tempted to stop putting money into organic efforts. Here’s why that’s a bad idea.
‘We need to find ways to break through the noise while we maintain our audiences’ trust,’ says the show’s vice president and general manager of digital. Here’s how you can do the same.
The tech giant had spent months teasing a deal to develop a major hub office in Queens. After some backlash, the company opted out, prompting a new round of high-profile commentary.
Your organization’s public profile is crucial for its success. Unfortunately, that’s largely out of communicators’ hands; the public drives that narrative. Here’s how to keep tabs and adjust.