Diversity and inclusion | Meghan Madhavan How can communicators expand diversity in their thought leadership efforts?
Executive Communication | Mary Olson-Menzel & Mel Shahbazian How transparent leaders empower employees
Daily Scoop | Beki Winchel ESPN cuts 500 jobs, TikTok users create fan videos for election analysts, and Starbucks’ holiday cups are here
Ragan Insider | Ted Kitterman Crucial messaging advice to consider ahead of an unprecedented holiday season
Daily Scoop | Beki Winchel The Gap deletes post-election tweet, ‘Baby Shark’ becomes most-watched YouTube video, and Snapchat adds follower counts
Diversity and inclusion | Rayna van Beuzekom & Alyssa Gormley How future communicators are embracing DE&I in PRSSA chapters
Research Snapshot | Ted Kitterman Report: Employees want to hear from leaders as election remains undecided
Daily Scoop | Beki Winchel Twitter and Facebook flag Trump’s election posts, Burger King UK implores consumers to buy McDonald’s, and MeUndies apologizes for ‘Harry Potter’ collection