Search Results (ask a reporter)

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Political candidate shushes reporter — or did she?

Instead of saying “no comment” or simply ignoring the question, it appears Sharron Angle, the Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada, shushed a television reporter who tried to ask her a question. Was that the case — or did the reporter get it wrong? Check out the  19-second video of the alleged shush and judge for yourself.

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How to contact reporters and editors at The Times

Jim Schachter, editor for digital initiatives at The New York Times , answered questions from readers last week. One reader asked Schachter where to find contact information for Times ’ reporters and editors. Schachter responded with a couple helpful hints.

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Chicago Tribune axes 50 newsroom jobs then asks for approval to give $13 million in bonuses to survivors

At the Chicago Tribune Wednesday, 50 newsroom employees lost their jobs as part of a restructuring that Tribune management claim will position the paper for its news-gathering future. Shortly after the layoffs, the paper’s parent, the Tribune Company, asked a bankruptcy court for approval to give 703 employees bonuses worth a total of $13 million. The company’s top ten executives are ineligible for the bonuses. Tribune Company said the bonuses are “vitally necessary” to reward emp…

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New York Times asks its newsroom for cost-cutting suggestions, ways to save the paper

Two weeks ago, New York Times assistant managing editor Rick Berke sent a memo to all newsroom employees—from the copy boy to the Pulitzer Prize winners—asking for cost-cutting suggestions. The memo included an open invitation to a brain storming lunch with top editors Bill Keller and Jill Abramson. By month’s end, Keller and his editorial lieutenants must send publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., a budget proposal. And so it has come to this for the Grey Lady, inviting newsroom …

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Is it time to ask for a raise?

Not unless you meet the four criteria the author lists. If so, then ask for a raise. This reminds me of something a reporter friend said recently: “ I keep having to do more work and they keep cutting my pay.” Don’t think he’ll be asking for a raise.

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During press conference, Robert Gibbs drills reporter about definition of press conference

This you’ve got to see. At Monday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs turned the tables on  WorldNetDaily reporter Les Kinsolving. Gibbs spent about five minutes throwing questions at Kinsolving about what constitutes a press conference, after Kinsolving asked why President Obama has not held a proper press conference since July. During the exchange, Gibbs quipped: “I suddenly have found this to be wildly amusing.” Mediaite has the video and transcript .

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Reader’s Digest refutes Times story about its move to the right, asks paper for correction

Last week, The New York Times reported that Reader’s Digest plans to adjust its content to appeal to a niche audience of right-wing conservatives. Not true, said Eva Dillon, an executive at Reader’s Digest Association. In a memo to employees, Dillon implied that Times reporter Stephanie Clifford “misinterpreted” what’s going on. Dillon wrote, “What we did with the relaunch and redesign of the magazine and Web sites was to go back to the roots that made this company gre…

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Breaking away from press secretary, Obama defends all-male basketball game

In an interview with NBC News, President Obama defended his decision to host a basketball game with male congress members, insisting that it was not a sexist move — despite his press secretary’s concession. “I think this is bunk,” Obama said about the sexism charges. “I don’t know if there are women who were Members of Congress who play basketball on a regular basis,” Obama said. “I don’t think there are. You know, I don’t think sends any kind of message or s…

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13 ways to entice reporters to read your e-mails

Most journalists prefer pitches via e-mail, which means most PR professionals are blasting their e-mail boxes. How are you supposed to smash through that clutter? Journalistics blog has 13 tips. Here’s one: “Ask what you’re doing wrong.” The gist of this tip: Don’t get a reply from a reporter? Politely ask him (or her) how you can improve. Politely. —PR Daily