Movie distributor apologizes for taking critic’s quote out of context
After AV Club’s A.A. Dowd wrote an angry open letter to Mongrel Media promised him that the company would remove the quote from future reprints.
Production was shut down roughly 14 times, actors quit, others walked off the set and its director—critically acclaimed David O. Russell—used a pseudonym in the credits.
On top of that, by almost all accounts, it doesn’t come close to resembling a good movie.
You can imagine AV Club movie reviewer A.A. Dowd’s surprise when the DVD box quoted him as calling it “a comedic masterstroke.”
Here’s what Dowd actually wrote in his original review:
To be fair to whoever refashioned Accidental Love from the abandoned scraps of Nailed, there’s little reason to believe that the ideal, untroubled version of the material would have been a comedic masterstroke.
I’d say that’s pretty far from actual praise.
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