Is Facebook helping or hurting your media coverage?
Self-publishing isn’t for every organization. Posting your articles gratis on the world’s largest social media platform, however, is worth considering. Here’s how to get started.
Facebook has opened the publishing floodgates.
Many brand managers don’t realize how Instant Articles works, nor do they understand how the function will affect their organization’s media relations strategy.
Instant Articles is slowly shifting how organizations get coverage. Although many marketers and reporters doubted this could work and that media outlets would adopt it, it appears they were wrong.
Facebook is redefining the way social media users experience articles and stories, and sooner or later it will be the only news format on Facebook.
Though most analytics tools view articles as “links,” most are actually Instant Articles. Facebook, already a major driver for many media organizations, could turn into a primary source and destination for news consumption and could be easy for marketing teams to track.
If you’re not on the bandwagon yet, consider how Facebook benefits media organizations:
Publishers and news organizations can run their own ads in Instant Articles. Facebook takes no revenue share.
It enables media organizations to run “sponsored” posts—a pretty big deal for advertisers.
Publishers are concerned. Why?
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