How to write one press release for multiple audiences
Create press releases that appeal to journalists, bloggers, consumers, and more. It’s simple, and it won’t cost extra.
Enthusiast bloggers, industry and financial analysts, employees, customers, advocates, shareholders, industry peers, and potential business partners are all likely to read your press release, in addition to journalists.
Traditionally, the outcome we use to gauge press release success is media pick up, and the call to action embedded within most press releases is the media contact information. But what about everyone else? What about all those other stakeholders who are reading our messages? Are we serving them well? Are we helping support the buying (and other) decisions they’re making?
Identifying and serving variable audience interests
People read press releases for different reasons. In addition to covering a beat, your readers may be researching a purchase, learning more about the company before accepting a job, or evaluating marketplace players to lay the groundwork for a partnership or deal.
The trick for the PR pros behind the press release is to identify which audiences are also likely to be interested, and include links for them to follow that mesh with their specific interests.
Embedding multiple calls to action that appeal to different audiences
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