Helping the C-suite see the value of your integrated PR efforts

Data is one way, but not the only way, to quantify impact.

Ragan Insider Premium Content
Proving the worth of the PESO model. An illustration of a bar graph and a tape measure.

Brands and PR agencies spend a great deal of time, effort and, let’s be honest, money to make a splash in the media space. Being able to effectively quantify the impact of those efforts can reveal successes, identify new storytelling opportunities and even help a team gain more budget for the next campaign.

However, it isn’t always obvious to the C-suite what a feature in a local newspaper or a viral video on TikTok means in terms of brand value. And even with basic tools like media monitoring, Google Analytics and social engagement data widely available, it can still be difficult to convey the true impact of paid, earned, shared and owned placements, also known as the PESO Model©, created by Spin Sucks.

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