French/West/Vaughan’s Natalie Best: ‘There is always a silver lining’
Here’s how the chief operating officer and principal for FWV navigates her busy schedule in these new times.

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For French/West/Vaughan’s chief operating officer, the addition of a Peloton bike was a big help. We spoke with Natalie Best to get her thoughts about how she works in the current era of uncertainty and change, what she’s doing to adapt and how she sees the future.

Natalie Best
Here’s what she had to say as part of our ongoing “Day in the Life” series:
1. What’s the first thing you do every day when you wake up?
Best: I read the headlines and critical news outlets from overnight with an eye for what our clients are seeing. Then, I workout and exercise as early as possible in the morning before the day gets off and running.
2. Who is the most important person you talk to every day?
Best: I have a teen and a tween, so talking to my kids in a present way is critical. Hearing what’s on their minds and how they are viewing this complicated world we are living in is the priority. There is tremendous pressure and yet great privilege to being a parent in 2021.
3. When do you plan to go back into the office? Do you want to go back?
Best: We have continued to make our offices available and accessible to everyone, but also voluntary and flexible to physically be at work. I miss the benefits of collaboration in a lively office environment like FWV, but these are extraordinary times, and I’ve been really proud of everyone at our agency for how they’ve worked successfully during this pandemic.
4. What’s a new tool you have discovered that you just can’t live without?
Best: I finally bought a Peloton. I have done too many Alex T classes to count, and love every single minute. He’s motivating, hard-as-hell, encouraging and energizing. A hard combo to pull off. There is something for everyone within the Peloton kingdom of classes and instructors.
5. What has been the biggest “lesson learned” from 2020?
Best: There is always a silver lining.
6. What’s your No.1 message to clients, co-workers or employees for 2021?
Best: Whether you’re a brand or a person in a leadership position, people want to see much more empathy, transparency and even vulnerability from the people and companies they look up to, do business with or associate with in any way. There is a different lens on leadership than ever before.
7. What makes you hopeful about the future of PR?
Best: PR people are called upon for many different reasons, and the calls for crisis and reputation management are at an all-time high and more complex, dramatic and important than ever before. There is no more exciting or challenging time to assist brands and companies of all kinds tell their stories in compelling ways.
I liked your comment regarding empathy. With the temptation and easy access to make inflammatory comments, I’ve found myself saving some of my friends from themselves. I acquired this skill from my years as VP-Public Affairs at Verizon. Empathy is the most important job skill to have in these times.