Ford ‘deeply regrets’ mockup ads showing gagged women in trunk
The ads from JWT India were for Ford India. They were mockups and were not approved by the automaker.

“We deeply regret this incident and agree with our agency partners that it should have never happened,” the company said in a statement. “The posters are contrary to the standards of professionalism and decency within Ford and our agency partners. Together with our partners, we are reviewing approval and oversight processes to help ensure nothing like this ever happens again.”
JWT India reportedly shared the mockups—which Ford had not approved—with website Ads of the World to “show off its creative chops,” reports Business Insider, which spotted the ads and wrote about them on Friday. The mockups were later removed from Ads of the World, but not before going viral. Major media outlets, from Forbes to Fox News, are covering the story this morning.
WPP, which is the parent company of JWT India, issued this statement:
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