Data-driven tips for clickable headlines
Entice readers from the beginning with these powerful content writing tips.
We’re probably all guilty of leaning a little too heavily on the listicle approach to headlines, though those certainly have their place. We’ve also probably been tempted to add a “You won’t believe what happens” to our headlines to ensure we’re capturing those juicy reader clicks.
A successful headline in today’s (arguably oversaturated) content landscape is often the difference between a piece that is consumed and one that is forgotten.
An infographic from the teams at HubSpot and Outbrain seeks to unlock the key to strong headlines and titles for your content.
Free download: 11 Essentials for a Stellar Online Newsroom
It breaks down content into three main categories based on what it’s trying to accomplish:
1. Attract link clicks to your website.
2. Engage your visitors.
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