Cee-Lo Green sees red, tells critic: ‘You’re gay … f*** you’
The singer and star of the NBC show ‘The Voice’ self destructed on Twitter. Read his fumbling attempt at an apology.
Andrea Swensson of the Twin Cities’ CityPages blog criticized a particularly vulgar portion of Green’s performance in Minnesota in her review.
“I respect your criticism, but be fair! People enjoyed last night! I’m guessing you’re gay? And my masculinity offended you? Well f*** you!”
Green issued a rather lackluster apology:
“Apologies gay community! what was homophobic about that? I said I was guessing he way gay which is fine but its nice to what u think of me”
And that’s when we can only assume that someone with some experience in public relations stepped in and got Green an interview with Us magazine:
“She was very critical of me. At the time I didn’t even know what gender the person was. I was being a little outspoken that night, a little outrageous. I always expect people to assume that everything I do is part of my character and sense of humor. I assumed that whoever it was would assume it was all in good fun. It wasn’t taken so well, apparently.
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