7 things all PR pros should do before going solo
Thinking of striking out on your own? Make sure you’ve checked these essential boxes before embarking on a solo PR career.
Thinking of striking out on your own? Make sure you’ve checked these essential boxes before embarking on a solo PR career.
Brand managers might look no farther than their smartphones or in-home virtual assistants for the next wave in storytelling, spoken search and other business components.
Avoid loose sentences. Keep related words together. And don’t write your copy with beer.
Every good story has a protagonist, an antagonist and sense of revelation. Here’s how that translates to telling stories about any organization—even the dull ones.
What’s next for influencer marketing, and just how important is ‘social listening’? Consider these insights as you plan your online strategy.
Hear directly from a leading Associated Press editor how these changes will benefit writers.
This week, readers were interested in strategies for achieving goals, micro-influencers, stories that humanize your brand, and more.
In this era of decaying consumer trust, a Texas coffee company took a huge risk with a phony influencer campaign. Is it betrayal of the audience, or simply a clever marketing stunt?
When the words don’t seem to flow, writers can sometimes fall back on bad habits. Avoid these telltale signs of uninventive writing.
As consumers place more importance on honesty and openness, how can brand managers build loyalty and create a community of engaged consumers? Consider these tips.
Some of the best brand advocates you will ever find are already working for your organization. Here is how to get them involved.
In a new report, consumers say seeing ads alongside offensive content damages their opinion of that brand. How can your organization avoid guilt by association?
Talking about a current event or trend can be incredibly valuable for your organization, but you must take care not to violate trademarks or court backlash. Consider these tips.
With social media and the changed media landscape, the value of a newswire press release has changed—but that doesn’t mean it won’t offer some rewards.
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