Infographic: Tips for pitching around COVID-19
The current crisis is using up all the oxygen in newsrooms, so how you get your organization into the conversation? Here are some tips.
The current crisis is using up all the oxygen in newsrooms, so how you get your organization into the conversation? Here are some tips.
Also: Google News offers ‘fact check’ section, MasterClass offers free resources, how COVID-19 is affecting marketing budgets, and more.
Also: Josh Gad’s storytelling efforts, an infographic for savvy information consumption, how to pitch during COVID-19, Google Trends data, and more.
An agency keen on creativity cultivated this practice dedicated to building reputations for innovation leaders. Here are the steps in its evolution.
Also: More than half of all employees are preparing for job cuts, a PR agency offers its wire service for free, the importance of executive communication, and more.
Spanning an array of sectors, the integration of technologies into various communication formats and channels is engendering new protocols for comms pros.
Also: The Edelman Trust Barometer shows the importance of employer communications, Airbnb marketing head experiments with virtual networking, outstanding newsrooms, and more.
In a new report from the Institute for Public Relations and Peppercomm, industry experts share how the coronavirus is making waves for their organizations and where they are turning for information.
Also: Telecom companies offer free Wi-Fi and data, Microsoft’s Bing offers an interactive map of the outbreak, how to boost cybersecurity for remote workers, and more.
The rapidity of digital news and the unique effects of novel coronavirus have upended the business world. Top leaders share best practices for communicating through the ups and downs.
Also: Buffer shares insights on working remotely, communicators’ concerns regarding COVID-19, crisis communications best practices, and more.
Review and revise your media list, identify your niche, and don’t be averse to starting over from scratch.
The microblogging platform helps you go beyond memes and still photos. Consider these ideas to promote your organization, engage your audience and attract new followers.
Technology’s increasing presence in the marketplace has more and more consumers voicing ethical concerns and posing tough questions about those companies’ stands on key issues.
Draw the viewer in with a striking ‘anchor’ image, tell an emotion-packed, human-driven story, and close with a strong call to action.