Can data help brands and business leaders stay relevant?
Here’s how one agency leader is trying to make sense of the numbers.
Here’s how one agency leader is trying to make sense of the numbers.
Also: Ford calls for unity, search engine DuckDuckGo reports 62% daily search growth in 2020, Oscar Mayer seeks Weinermobile spokesperson, and more.
A prominent employment attorney discusses the limits of speech and expression in today’s heated, hyper-partisan environment.
The strong rebuke from Forbes of those who have refused to acknowledge the truth of the 2020 election is a warning for the PR profession, one pro argues.
Also: Google blocks political ads, Grubhub offers Girl Scout cookie delivery, Xbox’s social media team offers gaming recommendations, and more.
Tulane crisis instructor Barbara Reynolds shares essential elements of an effective response to a crisis.
Also: CNN to end its Airport Network, Yelp to display COVID-19 feedback, Chipotle aims to hire 15,000 employees, and more.
Nothing pinches productivity like staff turnover and lousy recruiting. Here’s how to help attract better, brighter workers and craft messaging that supports seamless onboarding.
From the biggest agencies to the smallest shops, workers are any company’s most valuable asset. Here’s how to make them feel like they belong in 2021.
Linda Thomas Brooks offers her thoughts on the future of an industry with “the skills and perspective to be at the center of that universe.”
Silence is not a ‘safe’ messaging play. Companies need to communicate their values, internally and externally, in the aftermath of such a jarring event, and their comms teams should help shape the strategy.
Looking to inspire your team in the new year? Here are some great places to look for that extra bit of motivation, insight and wisdom.
Also: Social media lessons from Stacey Abrams, Fiat and Peugeot announce merger, PR pros share their resolutions, and airports manage through employee COVID-19 diagnoses.
What were the lessons of the past year when it comes to collaboration and accountability for remote employees?
Also: Microsoft gets scooped on planned visual rebrand, how Americans are split over COVID-19, our survey is still taking responses, and we ask PR pros to share their resolutions for 2021.