Return to work plans, HR risks to weigh, crisis lessons from Parenthood, and more
Here’s a roundup of the week’s crisis communication news for communicators.
Here’s a roundup of the week’s crisis communication news for communicators.
Also: Communicators shine in an ROI musical, Reddit puts the brakes on group chat feature, join our Twitter #RaganChat with special guest from OKCupid, and more.
Every organization must be ready to demonstrate how it is taking care of its workers during this crisis. Here are some ways to ensure your reputation remains untarnished.
Also: Apple Maps shows COVID-19 testing sites, AMC Theaters bans Universal films, Google entertains with past Doodles, and more.
Employees are eager for clear and consistent information regarding the pandemic’s effect on the business. Follow this guidance to keep your team uplifted, informed and engaged.
Also: Disney+ deals with backlash over legal jargon tweet, join our Twitter #RaganChat, why PR pros must lead now more than ever, and more.
Despite the disruption of the coronavirus, employers must take care to show internal investment and strive to become highly reputable to attract top talent.
Here’s a roundup of the week’s crisis communication news for communicators.
Here are some tips for improving your virtual presentations during the coronavirus pandemic.
We asked and you answered. Here’s a look at the home offices of communicators far and wide.
Our latest #RaganChat dissected the best practices for running great virtual meetings, from equipment and tech tools to camera angles and speaking habits.
Also: Email is the preferred channel to communicate with employees during the pandemic, Wendy’s offers free nuggets, takeaways from the Ragan community, and more.
Many communicators say they are getting newfound respect in their organizations, but the crisis is also adding to heavy workloads and complicating workflows with remote collaboration.
In a new survey from Peppercomm and the Institute for Public Relations, only a few leaders are fully prepared for a post-COVID recovery. Communicators play an essential role.
Brush up on insights from last week’s Twitter chat—and join us again every Tuesday at 3 p.m. Eastern time.