Call for Entries Deadline: Nov. 15, 2024

Celebrating the Art and Science of Media Relations!

PR Daily’s Media Relations Awards is a dedicated awards program to celebrate the critical importance of Media Relations as a discipline. We don’t relegate Media Relations to a singular category in a big, broad awards program. No way, we know you deserve an entire program for all the ways Media Relations teams shine.

Why enter? The question is… Why NOT? Media Relations teams are headline-makers, brand-builders and business-changers, and you deserve recognition for all your hard work.

Finalists will be celebrated at the PR Daily Awards Gala at the Media Relations Conference in 2025, where you will sit among the industry’s top professionals and winning teams. It’s unbelievable networking and an exciting event to remember.

Submit your entries by November 15, because you can’t win it if you’re not in it!



 Media Relations Campaign of the Year: Over $50,000

We’re seeking well-rounded and robust campaigns that were a huge success. Share with us everything you did to achieve—or surpass—your goals.

 Media Relations Campaign of the Year: Under $50,000

We’re seeking well-rounded and robust campaigns that were a huge success. Share with us everything you did to achieve—or surpass—your goals.

 Media Relations Campaign of the Year: Under $10,000

We’re seeking well-rounded and robust campaigns that were a huge success. Share with us everything you did to achieve—or surpass—your goals.

 Media Relations Professional of the Year

You’re a maestro of the media relations world. Your campaigns and initiatives led to outstanding coverage for your organization or clients. Maybe you were a one-person team that delivered success usually saved for larger teams. Maybe you were the leader of a media relations team that mentored colleagues and achieved success. If you believe you were the best media relations pro around, we’re looking for you.

 Media Relations Team of the Year

This category celebrates a media relations team that has demonstrated outstanding performance in securing media coverage and building strong relationships with journalists. Submissions should highlight the team's strategic planning, innovative approaches and measurable success in enhancing the organization's public profile.


 Brand Messaging or Positioning

We want to know how you propelled your organization’s reputation forward. How did you set your brand apart from its competitors and create buzz? Did you see an increased response from the media? Tell us about the intricacies of your brand campaign and how you got your story out into the world.

 Cause Marketing

This category honors campaigns that leverage media relations to promote and support social or charitable causes. Submissions should demonstrate effective communication strategies that engage the public and drive positive change.

 Community Relations

This category recognizes efforts in media relations that effectively engage and benefit local communities. Entries should highlight successful strategies that foster community involvement and enhance the organization's local presence.

 Content Marketing and Brand Journalism

This category celebrates the use of media relations to distribute compelling content and brand stories to target audiences. Submissions should showcase creative storytelling that aligns with brand objectives and captures media attention.

 Crisis or Reputation Management

This category honors exceptional media relations strategies used to manage and mitigate crises or protect an organization's reputation. Entries should demonstrate timely, transparent communication that successfully navigates challenging situations.

 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This category recognizes media relations campaigns that highlight an organization's commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Submissions should show how media relations efforts effectively communicate CSR initiatives and engage stakeholders.

 Data-Driven and Measurement

This category celebrates the use of data and measurement in crafting and evaluating successful media relations strategies. Entries should demonstrate how data insights informed campaign decisions and contributed to measurable outcomes.

 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I)

This category honors media relations efforts that promote and highlight diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Submissions should showcase campaigns that effectively communicate DE&I goals and engage diverse audiences.

 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

This category recognizes media relations campaigns that communicate an organization’s commitment to ESG principles. Entries should demonstrate strategies that highlight the organization’s efforts in environmental sustainability, social responsibility and governance practices.

 Exclusive Content Strategy

This category celebrates the creation and distribution of exclusive content through strategic media relations. Submissions should highlight how exclusive content was used to capture media interest and achieve campaign goals.


This category honors media relations campaigns that effectively promote financial services or fintech innovations. Entries should showcase strategies that clearly communicate complex financial information and engage target audiences.

 Global Media Relations

This category recognizes outstanding media relations efforts that achieve international reach and impact. Submissions should demonstrate strategies that successfully navigate diverse media landscapes and cultural contexts.

 Governmental or Public Affairs Media Relations

This category celebrates media relations strategies that effectively communicate governmental or public affairs issues. Entries should highlight campaigns that engage the public and influence policy or public opinion.


This category honors media relations campaigns that promote healthcare organizations or products. Submissions should demonstrate effective communication strategies that raise awareness and educate the public on health-related organizations and products.

 Influencer Relations

This category recognizes the strategic use of influencers in media relations to amplify messages and reach target audiences. Entries should showcase how influencer partnerships were leveraged to enhance media coverage and campaign impact.

 Innovative Media Strategy

This category celebrates creative and forward-thinking media relations strategies that achieve remarkable results. Submissions should highlight unique approaches that set new standards for media engagement and effectiveness.

 Integrated Marketing Communications

This category honors campaigns that integrate media relations with other marketing communications strategies for maximum impact. Entries should demonstrate how media relations were seamlessly combined with other channels to achieve cohesive and powerful results.

 Investor Relations

This category celebrates media relations strategies that effectively communicate with investors and financial stakeholders. Entries should showcase how media efforts supported investor relations objectives and enhanced corporate transparency.

 Issues Management

This category honors proactive media relations efforts that address and manage emerging issues before they escalate. Submissions should demonstrate strategies that effectively mitigate potential risks and protect organizational reputation.

 Media Relations

This category recognizes excellence in building and maintaining strong relationships with the media to achieve strategic communication goals. Entries should highlight successful media outreach and engagement that drove impactful coverage.

 New Product or Service Launch

This category celebrates media relations campaigns that successfully introduce new products or services to the market. Submissions should demonstrate effective launch strategies that generated media buzz and consumer interest.


This category honors the strategic use of trending news to gain media coverage and public attention for a brand or message. Entries should showcase how timely and relevant content was created to capitalize on current events.


This category recognizes media relations efforts that effectively promote and support nonprofit organizations and their missions. Submissions should highlight strategies that raised awareness and mobilized support for nonprofit causes.


This category celebrates exceptional media pitches that capture attention and secure media coverage. Entries should showcase the creativity and effectiveness of pitches that resulted in significant media interest.

 Press Event or Media Tour

This category honors successful organization and execution of press events or media tours that generate significant media coverage. Submissions should demonstrate how these events were strategically planned and executed to engage journalists.

 Press Release

This category recognizes well-crafted press releases that achieve substantial media pickup and coverage. Entries should highlight the clarity, newsworthiness and impact of the press release content.

 Pro Bono Campaign

This category celebrates media relations campaigns conducted on a pro bono basis that achieve significant impact. Submissions should demonstrate how media efforts effectively supported charitable or community causes.

 Public Health

This category honors media relations efforts that promote public health initiatives, information or campaigns. Entries should showcase strategies that effectively communicate important health messages and engage the public.


This category recognizes media relations campaigns that are centered around a strong purpose or mission. Submissions should highlight how media efforts successfully communicated and supported the organization's core values and goals.


This category celebrates media relations strategies that successfully communicate a rebrand to target audiences. Entries should demonstrate how the rebrand was effectively conveyed to the public and media, achieving positive reception


This category honors media relations efforts that effectively communicate research findings to the public or targeted stakeholders. Submissions should showcase strategies that made complex information accessible and engaging.

 Social Media

This category recognizes the integration of social media in media relations campaigns to amplify reach and engagement. Entries should highlight how social media platforms were used to enhance media outreach and interaction.


This category celebrates excellence in writing speeches that effectively convey key messages through media coverage. Submissions should demonstrate how well-crafted speeches were used to engage audiences and generate media interest.

 Stunt or Special Event

This category honors media relations strategies that successfully generate buzz through stunts or special events. Entries should showcase the creativity and impact of these unique events in capturing media attention.


This category recognizes media relations campaigns that effectively promote technology products, services or innovations. Submissions should highlight strategies that made complex tech topics understandable and appealing to the media and public.

 Thought Leadership

This category celebrates media relations efforts that position individuals or organizations as thought leaders in their field. Entries should demonstrate how thought leadership was communicated and recognized by the media.

 Traditional and New Media Integration

This category honors campaigns that skillfully combine traditional and new media channels for effective media relations. Submissions should showcase how different media types were integrated to achieve comprehensive and cohesive communication.

 Use of a Celebrity or Personality

This category recognizes media relations campaigns that leverage celebrities or personalities to enhance media coverage. Entries should highlight how these figures were effectively incorporated to amplify campaign messages.


This category celebrates the use of video content in media relations to engage and inform audiences. Submissions should demonstrate how video was used strategically to capture media interest and convey key messages.

 Virtual Event

This category honors the organization and execution of virtual events that achieve significant media coverage and engagement. Entries should highlight how virtual platforms were used to effectively communicate and connect with audiences.


Awards Criteria

On the entry form, be sure to include a thorough synopsis explaining the purpose and scope of your project. We ask that the synopsis be 350-900 words and include the following sub-headings (when applicable):

  • Goals
  • Strategy and tactics
  • Execution
  • Evaluation: success, results or ROI

Be sure to follow the guidelines laid out in the category descriptions, as the judges will look for those elements when they select the winners.

You will be able to upload additional documents to your submission. We encourage you to include press releases, design concepts, videos, analytics, testimonials and anything else you feel will give us a better sense of your project. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public.


These awards are open to in-house, agency and independent communication practitioners in the private, corporate, nonprofit and government sectors. Enter your work, the work of your organization or submit entries on behalf of your client.

Companies from around the world are welcome to enter as long as the entry is submitted in English.

Contact Brendan Gannon to find the perfect category for your campaign or project. You can call 312-960-4407 or email

This year’s program is open to any work executed between Aug. 1, 2023, and Aug. 16, 2024, inclusive.


The fee for this program is $525 per entry into standard categories, and $575 per entry into Awards of Distinction categories.

A late fee of $275 per entry will be added to all entries received after 11:59 p.m. Central time, Nov. 15, 2024.

Do you have a campaign, project, individual or team you'd like to enter into multiple categories? Pay the original entry fee, and then only $250 for each additional category!

All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.

All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.

W-9 Form / Tax ID Number Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Media Relations Awards program helps you measure the success of your work and prove the value of your contributions to your organization or clients. As a winner, you’ll earn publicity for your brand across our websites and social media audiences, a custom write-up about your campaign and a trophy.
Entries may be submitted by organizations worldwide. Entries must be submitted in English. The program is open to in-house, agency, independent communication practitioners and vendors in the private, corporate, nonprofit and government sectors.
YES! In fact, we encourage you to submit your applications in multiple categories. Each category is judged discreetly, and discounted pricing applies to your 2nd category and beyond. This also increases your chances of winning.
Judges look for top-quality work that shows clear, bold and creative ideas that benefit your business or client. Please provide metrics or results that support your claims, and share creative collateral such as videos, visual design or websites that were a part of your project. Please look at our past award winners to see what gets recognized and rewarded.
We extend deadlines based on applicant needs and upcoming promotional opportunities.
PR Daily will recognize all finalists—and announce category winners—at a live awards gala at the Media Relations Conference in 2025. All entrants will be notified 3 months prior to the event.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions about the program or problems submitting your entry, please email Brendan Gannon at

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring one of Ragan Communications’ award programs, please contact Morgan Einspanier at


Ragan Communications is not responsible for international shipping fees related to trophies or certificates.