Are you Facebook ‘friends’ with your clients?
If not, here are four reasons why it might be a good idea.
As I contemplated it, I started thinking about my personal stance on that issue. By nature of being a solo consultant, I tend to view this issue a bit differently from the way I would if I were working for a large agency. After all, the client is really buying me—not ACH Communications (or any other brand name).
So, when a client buys you, it usually means two things:
• They feel you know your stuff.
• They believe you’re easy to work with and like you (and not always in that order).
So, for me, the “friend” issue is pretty darn important. I actually put a lot of time and effort into breaking down the barriers with my clients. Back to the question: Should we be “friends” with our clients?
You know my view on this topic now, but let me lay out the reasons I think this is a good idea, even for those not in my particular position (solo consultant):
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