4 tips to write with more heft and purpose
Follow this guidance to serve up meatier work that will satisfy your audience, improve SEO and appeal to your readers’ tastes.

Our online content diets mirror the way we eat in the real world.
We scarf and read on the run, phone in one hand and microwaveable mush in the other. We are consumed by consumption, and yet we often feast on filler. Convenience too often trumps nourishment or nutrition.
Of course, being harried, overloaded, stretched and stressed out does not lend itself to a healthy diet—of the food or content variety. This goes for writers, too.
When you’re behind the eight ball or under deadline pressure, it’s tempting to fill the page with uninspired, cheap ingredients. Sloppy work does a disservice to your readers. Regularly serving up bland, wordy junk can also damage your reputation and career.
If you’re in a rut, tick these four boxes to write more substantive, satisfying copy:
1. Go beyond yourself. Why should I take your word for it? I don’t know you, and I certainly don’t trust someone with something to sell—but I will listen to <insert respected industry expert>. Hell, I might even listen to <insert non-biased consumer, industry employee or impartial sentient being not related to you>.
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