Tips for earning attention during major industry events

These moments hold great opportunity — but take a lot of planning.

Trade show PR

Gina Preoteasa, is VP, Client Services, at Kite Hill PR.

Breaking through the noise during a major industry moment can be challenging. The attention of target audiences is split in many directions. Having a headline news story can go a long way in helping to break through the onslaught of social media, emails and meetings. So how does a PR pro secure top-tier coverage for clients and/or their brand, especially during tentpole industry events like AWNewYork 2024 or Communications Week? While difficult, it’s not impossible.



There are many tips for breaking through during an event news cycle but two in particular are foundational:

  1. Start planning earlier than you’d think. Major industry moments require a lot of planning, which often involve many stakeholders at an organization. For example, a product announcement at an industry event can have a big impact. Product teams need to work alongside marketing teams to develop roadmaps and launch dates that correlate to opportune industry moments – all well in advance. This approach helps their products stand out and resonate more than they would otherwise without the reinforcement of an in-person element.
  2. Consider the event itself. Every event comes with its own flavor and understanding the nuances can be key to helping a brand or story stand out. For example, Advertising Week is known for its dynamic and fun activations, which offer attendees fun experiences and oftentimes tasty treats. Thinking creatively about how to bring a brand to life through an activation can be an excellent way to generate press coverage and social media buzz. Pairing the activation with an announcement can add to the excitement and news value. Such a strategic approach can help to lengthen the announcement’s news cycle and extend the story beyond a mention in a daily news roundup.

Advanced planning and strategic announcement development must happen first. Then, there are three supporting strategies to implement once a plan is in place:

  1. Tap into key themes and trends early. It’s no longer enough to reach out to reporters a few weeks before an event, vaguely ask their plans for attendance and expect a response. PR professionals must anticipate the key themes and trends that will dominate the event early and act swiftly. This means staying close to event organizers, monitoring industry publications to draw connections between industry trends and the show’s planned thematic tracks and engaging with likely-to-attend media to offer strong insights that complement the most pressing topics on the docket to address. By aligning messaging with emerging narratives, PR pros have a greater opportunity to ensure their clients’ or brand’s stories not only resonate with journalists but offer something unique to the main themes of the show.
  2. Think smart about thought leadership. Thought leadership content is a powerful tool as it positions leaders as industry experts on specific topics helping to establish their credibility. In the lead-up to any large industry event, prepare your experts by contributing thought-provoking articles, op-eds and blog posts to relevant industry publications. Doing so will help guarantee your spokesperson extra airtime with attending reports during the conference itself, as those media will be familiar with your spokesperson’s POV and how their insights can help aid good, quality journalism.
  3. Consider all your channels. As a PR pro, it’s important to think beyond the earned media wins — ask yourself, how can you amplify them to extend their reach and potential to as wide a relevant audience as possible? Start with shared and owned channels. What could social content look like? Blog or website content? Beyond those mediums, would it make sense to take a portion of the remaining budget to further amplify that content via paid channels? Extend the life of your hard-earned media wins by maximizing their exposure.

Finally, it’s always important to have an agile mindset. Leveraging strategic communication tactics and having a deep understanding of the media landscape is a necessary tool, and PR pros must stay on their feet to adjust and tackle roadblocks head-on. With an agile-first mindset, PR pros can effectively navigate the complexities of the upcoming event cycle and get closer to achieving their, and their clients’ or brand’s, objectives.

Industry events can be exciting and fun. While nothing can guarantee earned media coverage, leveraging these tools to elevate your clients and/or brand can certainly aid in breaking through the noise. With these strategic communication tactics in play, PR professionals are one step closer to navigating the complexities of industry events and securing top-tier outcomes that move the needle forward.



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