Twitter’s 10 commandments
A bit surprising, but ‘Thou shalt follow @God’ didn’t make the list.
A bit surprising, but ‘Thou shalt follow @God’ didn’t make the list
Twitter is a potentially perilous place, so make sure you stay on the straight and narrow by following the 10 righteous commandments of Twitter:
I. Thou shalt not practice TTMI
It’s quite possible that you’re popping a zit before you head to class, but that’s TTMI (Tweet Too Much Information), OK? Please save us from those types of tweets.
II. Thou shalt not forgeteth who’s following you
Perhaps you have your employer, your boss, your angry (and perhaps violent) ex following you on Twitter. Maybe even your mom. Don’t forget who’s following you, or you’ll pay a high price.
III. Thou shalt not spammeth
Those that practice the deceitful art of spamming have a place reserved for them in the deepest bowels of Hell. Don’t do it for your sake and ours.
IV. Thou shalt not haveth tweet wars
Arguing via Twitter is perhaps the lamest of lame things to do besides being absolutely fruitless. Save those things for Facebook.
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