The 3 R’s of PR: Learn them and earn R-E-S-P-E-C-T

You need to know the fundamentals of public relations, and make sure your boss and client know that you know them. Got it?

That’s our fault; we should be.

Why should we claim things that “everyone” should be doing? Because when we don’t continue to talk about doing the three R’s well—research, relevancy, and relationships—bad pitches like this one gobble up all the PR headlines, tweets, and Google results.


When you’re doing media and blogger outreach, do you research the people you’re pitching before you contact them? It seems ridiculous even to pose that question, but then again, I’ve read the Bad Pitch blog.

Sure, research should be a fundamental element of every PR outreach campaign we conduct, but there are plenty of PR pros who don’t take the time to do research. Instead, they blast and mail-merge one-way messages across the blogosphere—often to the 34 percent of bloggers who don’t even talk about brands on their blogs.

Research is also about doing the right thing for your clients, because you understand their business and the audiences they are trying to reach.

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