10 useful and inspiring websites for writers
You know about Grammar Girl and Copyblogger, but are you checking out these lesser-known destinations for wordsmiths?
Sound nice, don’t they? They’d probably work for Stephen King or any writer from the 19th century—but you live in the social media age and have a full-time job.
The good news is that if you can’t pull yourself away to enjoy a stroll in a sylvan glade, there are plenty of online destinations that offer inspiration and advice.
You probably know about the more popular sites for writers: Quick and Dirty Tips, Copyblogger, Ragan.com, etc.
But what about these? Take a look, and share your favorites in the comments section.
1. Writer’s Digest. This site is overflowing with resources for writers of all stripes. From writing prompts to career advice and tips, consider it the writer’s Walmart — or Target, if you prefer. Writer’s Digest also publishes its 101 Best Websites for Writers. Worth checking out, though most of them are intended for book authors.
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