Are you turning retweets into revenue?
When you plan, develop and launch your corporate blog or other social media marketing initiatives, you should focus first on your business objectives.
Or is it?
When I first got involved in corporate blogging and social media, I was seduced by page views and unique visitors and was concerned about reach—nothing unusual for someone in the corporate marketing space.
However, my views on this have evolved.
Your social media metrics don’t matter much. Sure, they may indicate that you’re doing some good stuff, but they are only indicators. The real numbers that speak to the success of your social media efforts have nothing to do with social media.
Ultimately, it’s your business results that indicate success. After all, would you rather have retweets or revenue? Your social media metrics matter online insofar as they give you a foundation to generate ROI.
If you are generating sufficient sales intelligence and leads with a seemingly small amount of traffic, don’t worry so much about the traffic volume. If you are getting too many page views to count but have nothing good to toss over to your sales team for pursuits, then you should think about what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it.
As with any other marketing initiative, your social media efforts should mimic that of a funnel:
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