#TheDailySpin: Riots in London halt new Levi’s ad
It’s a wash for the denim maker after a commercial hit a little too close to home. Plus, Steve Jobs: hero to men, absurd Google searches, and more.
Speaking of foreign police, it looks like New Zealand cops have taken a page from Banksy, using graffiti art in its latest recruiting campaign. We like it. But is graffiti legal in that country.
Back in the States, with little more than a month before the 10th anniversary of the horrific 9/11 attacks, a new app called 110 Stories enables users to see the famous skyline through their phone as it once was, augmenting the view to show where the World Trade Center towers once stood.
On a less somber note, MTV is tackling social activism at the Video Music Awards (VMA) this year with a new award category, “Best Video with a Message.” (via PRNewser)
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