7 tips for managing negative comments online
First, don’t take them personally. Once you understand that, start following this guide to responding to nasty commenters.
Here are six more tips on how to manage negative comments:
Listen to what is being said
Is it constructive criticism, a straight problem, or an attack? Deciding what the criticism is and understanding it will help determine your response.
Most customers who complain online don’t want to hurt your company. They just want someone to listen and help them with their problem, so try and see what is behind the negative wording. Understand what the customer is saying instead of concentrating on how the words are being used
Respond quickly
Don’t let negative comments linger. Responding quickly will let the naysayer know you’re listening and care, even if it’s just, “Sorry for the inconvenience, can we give you a call you to help solve your problem?”
The longer a negative comment goes without a response, the more credibility the comment acquires. So, show the customer you are doing all you can to rectify the situation or at least acknowledge that you hear them.
Take it offline
You can’t always gauge a customer’s tone online. Are they being sarcastic? How angry are they? The best way to determine this is to try and take the discussion offline. After you initially respond, offer your phone or email address so they can contact you directly.
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