Reconsider working from home: 7 reasons
With remote workplaces becoming more popular, the author argues the practical side of working in a proper office.
Working from home does have its downside, though. There are definitely some logistical problems and challenges to having your home as your office. Commercial office space can offer benefits that a home office may not. Here are seven reasons you might want to consider an office away from home.
You don’t have to worry about whether your clients are allergic to cats.
Meeting with clients when you work from home can be a real challenge. Not all of your clients will love the dog like you do—and the dog may not love them. Sure, you can meet at the local coffee shop but how certain are you going to be that there’s a quiet table available or that it won’t be full when you schedule that 2 p.m. meeting? Having your own office space will assure you of a quiet and professional space to meet with clients.
There are fewer distractions.
When you work at the office, it’s pretty rare that someone will be interrupting you for a game of Candyland or a peanut butter sandwich. It’s unlikely you’ll need to stop working to investigate that funny noise coming from the ice maker or to run someone to a friend’s house. When you have a commercial office for your business, it’s easier to focus on work and leave the distractions of home at home.
There are no crumbs in the keyboard.
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