12 essential traits to thrive at work
From humor to grace, these are the habits that will make you a valued employee and a trusted colleague.
1. Persistence
The devastating effects of the Great Recession on employment continue to hover over job seekers like storm clouds. It takes almost limitless persistence to find a job. That attribute, though, continues to be critical on the job, as well. Being persistent often leads to a new project, a promotion or other opportunities. Keep at it.
2. Humor
No, work is not the place for bawdy stand-up comedy. And we’ve all worked with, or heard about, a guy or gal who couldn’t resist sharing inappropriate jokes. That’s not humor, that’s harassment. The idea with this one is that a jovial comment, a lighthearted remark, or a well-timed laugh at work tends to make the place, and the people, happier.
3. Discretion
Be the person a colleague can confide in, with trust. It shows you have integrity. You might also end up hearing more of the goings on at work precisely because you’re not a tattler. If you can’t help yourself from gossiping, make sure you stop from blasting the boss in the office or on social media, outside of work hours. Not. Smart.
4. Common sense
So very essential. And yet, not nearly common enough.
5. Maturity
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