PBS cracks the viral code with remixes of classics
Videos of Fred Rogers, Julia Child, Bob Ross, and now, Levar Burton, of ‘Reading Rainbow,’ have found huge successful online, making PBS the exception to the viral rule.
The formula for having your video go viral is more convoluted than the math problem Matt Damon solves at the beginning of “Good Will Hunting.” If creating a viral video is your goal, chances are you’re going to fail.
Luckily for PBS, there’s an exception to every rule when it comes to social media. PBS Digital Studios’ fourth installment in its “Remixed” series features “Reading Rainbow” host Levar Burton not singing exactly—well, just take a look (it’s in a book):
The series has also featured auto-tuned PBS luminaries Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, and Julia Child—and even if you don’t think they’re phenomenal, the numbers don’t lie. Combined, these videos have racked up close to 14 million views.
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