NYT lawyer issues a bring-it-on reply to Trump libel suit threat
After the article about two women alleging sexual misconduct against the GOP nominee, a Trump lawyer demanded a retraction and apology. The Times issued a rapier-like response.
Perhaps your counselors might take a cue from an attorney for The New York Times.
Lawyers for the Old Gray Lady have responded in striking fashion to Marc Kasowitz, an attorney for GOP nominee Donald Trump. Kasowitz demanded that the Times retract an article published this week, in which two women alleged Trump had perpetrated unwanted sexual contact against each of them, separately, some years ago. (He also demanded an apology.)
If the report was not retracted and pulled from the NYT website, Kasowitz threatened, Trump would sue the paper for libel.
David McCraw, a lawyer for the Times, pulled no punches, ostensibly daring Trump to take the Times to court.
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