The cost of creating a logo

Pepsi revamped its logo for $1 million, but Twitter purchased its iconic bird for $15 on iStockphoto. Here’s how other brand logos became iconic, as well as how their colors and design affects us.

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While my mom probably doesn’t want to think so, I’m not the only person with such a story. According to an infographic from, 67 percent of 2-3-year-old children can correctly match logos and products.

Logos clearly make an impression on us at an early age, and continue to influence us (or attempt to) throughout our lives. Some brands pour big money into logo development, while others create logos that are just as effective for only a few dollars.

For example, when Pepsi revamped its logo in 2008, the redesign set the company back $1 million. But Sergey Brin, Google’s co-founder, created his company’s logo himself for free. Also interesting: Twitter bought its logo from iStockphoto for $15.

So, how do million-dollar logos ingrain themselves in the minds of toddlers and adults alike? A lot of it has to do with color, the infographic explains. For example, McDonald’s arches are yellow. We often associate the color yellow with joy and energy. And let’s be honest: French fries are enough to make almost everyone feel joyous.

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