5 press release gaffes PR pros should avoid
Even the most savvy among us makes mistakes from time to time, but avoiding these common missteps will greatly help your efforts.
Here are five blunders that even the smartest PR pros make—the same five you’re probably making with your own press releases:
1. Forgetting the title
We spend so much time on the body of the press release getting the word count down, fine-tuning the language, and making the first sentence intriguing enough that readers keep going.
In return, we forget that if the title isn’t amazing, nobody will read the body.
Your ideal title is concise, enlightening, and interesting. If it’s confusing or boring, nobody will care about the rest of the release. The PR world is riddled with the corpses of great releases with awful titles.
2. Using the wrong voice
You probably use more direct, personal language when writing a blog or social media post. You might even write like this and speak directly to your audience. This helps build a one-on-one relationship with your audience and customers.
However, a press release has to be formal and impersonal. You’re allowed some freedom, but most releases look and sound remarkably similar. Deviating too much can get you ignored.
3. Not editing enough
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