8 ways PR pros can fight spin
Think your voice has little or no effect on the misdoings of brand managers for large organizations? Think again, says this expert. Here’s how to combat communications spin wherever it’s to be found.
1. In 2015 the Flint, Michigan city administration filed false reports with the state about its poisoned water. Brad Wurfel, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality spokesperson, told a reporter, “Anyone who is concerned about lead in the drinking water in Flint can relax. It does not look like there is any broad problem with the water supply freeing up lead as it goes to homes.”
2. In 1998 President Clinton declared of Monica Lewinksy that he ” did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
3. In 2014, it was widely reported that Edelman, the world’s biggest PR firm, was found to have engaged in spin by promoting climate-change denial.
At its least harmful, spin is a positive take on something.
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