7 ways marketers can use Reddit
The social media site, called the ‘front page of the Internet,’ can be a treasure trove for PR and marketing professionals. Here’s how to use it for branding efforts.
Reddit is nicknamed the “front page of the Internet” for a reason. It attracts millions—if not billions—of eyeballs every day.
It’s also a quirky place with its own etiquette and rules of conduct, and people who don’t follow those rules are quick to be called out. There are two groups of people you don’t want to anger online: mommy bloggers and Redditors. Both can wreck havoc on you and your brand.
That said, many PR pros and marketers are quick to dismiss Reddit as a viable outlet because of their own preconceived notions or due to horror stories they have heard.
That’s not always a wise move.
Here are seven steps to use this platform—a Reddit marketing guide—that won’t anger the mob:
1. Identify subreddits.
Before you can even start to think about putting your plans into action, you need to test the waters and see what’s already being said about your topic on Reddit.
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