7 ways to reignite your creative spark
Feel like your brain just isn’t cooperating? Try these methods to kick it back into high gear.
This story first appeared on PR Daily in April. 2015. Call it what you like: writer’s block, mental block or artistic rut. When the creative juices have clogged, it can seem like they will never flow again.
PR pros and marketers know the horrors of creative slumps, of struggling to meet deadlines in a world where maintaining an innovative and imaginative edge has never been more vital. The demand for effective and creative visual marketing is at an all-time high, and we’ve seen some pretty inspirational video campaigns from some well known brands over the last year or so.
What do you do when the ideas stop flowing and inspiration seems nowhere to be found?
The good news is that the brain, like the rest of the body, can be re-energized, even when you’re suffering the worst of writer’s blocks. There is no need to hit your head against the wall because your mind feels like a limp rubber band. Employing just a few of the following proven techniques can rekindle your artistic spark and help get you back into your creative groove.
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