7 signs of work creeping into PR pros’ personal lives
If you find yourself doing one or more of these seven things, your work may have taken over your life.
It’s tough for professionals in virtually any field to keep their work lives and personal lives separate.
For PR professionals, who seemingly have their smartphones permanently attached, it’s all but impossible.
If you have found yourself doing one or more of the following seven things, it’s a good sign your work life may have taken over completely:
1. You get frustrated that Facebook doesn’t let users schedule personal posts ahead of time so that they publish during known times of maximum engagement. If you are really in deep, you might even feel bad about participating in activities that occur at the same time as those maximum exposure times.
2. Upon meeting a top-tier journalist at a friend’s party, you get sweaty with excitement and immediately think of how you can proposition them to cover a new product or service for your client—before you even get a drink in your hand.
3. You immediately jump to action when friend or family member mentions they’re starting a new business. You suggest ways in which they can insert public relations, creative event and communications to launch successfully.
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