5 tips from the social media expert you call mom
Guys, she taught you how to treat a lady. Gals, she taught you how to be one. Turns out mom also taught you a thing (or five) about social media.
Here’s some social media advice from mom.
1. Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back. Mom knew that no one likes people that self promote. Online or offline, someone who talks about themselves doesn’t make themselves important—they make themselves appear needy and pathetic. Not the public persona you want to broadcast all over the Internet. You don’t believe someone who tells you how great they are – why should anyone believe you when you do it?
2. If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and to disagree with you (even if they’re wrong) without worrying about personal attacks. If you have a disagreement, attack the idea, not the person.
3. If you don’t do it NOW, then when will you do it? Some people procrastinate so much that they even put off procrastinating. If you plan on having a social media presence, just do it. Pick your market, choose your objectives in engaging them, develop a strategy, and the technology you’re going to use to accomplish it all. It’s better to do something and wait than it is to wait and do something.
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