5 reasons PR pros should use SlideShare
Why you need to incorporate the social network into your communications strategy.
What does this deal mean for PR professionals?
Since 2008, SlideShare has had an app on LinkedIn that lets you share your slides with your LinkedIn network. How SlideShare will be integrated with LinkedIn in the long run remains to be seen, but there are plenty of reasons to incorporate SlideShare into your existing communications strategies—if you haven’t already.
Here are several reasons why:
Show your work to hundreds of millions people.
Often, after a speaking event is over, your beautifully crafted presentation finds a permanent home on … your computer drive. With SlideShare, that presentation can find a new home—in a place where millions of people can see it.
(You can also upload documents, videos, or infographics to SlideShare.)
SlideShare grabs about 29 million monthly unique visitors. LinkedIn has 161 million members and 107 million monthly unique visitors. Combining the traffic of both sites represents a sharp increase in the number of eyeballs on your presentation.
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