4 SEO tactics for content creators
Google’s latest refinements to its algorithm reward good writing and compelling content. Here’s how to really get noticed.
According to the annual Ranking Factors Study from Searchmetrics, Google has made some big changes in how its algorithm evaluates content. Many of these updates play right into the hands of PR pros, content marketers, and anyone else responsible for creating and publishing digital content.
The study reveals that the search giant is continuing to emphasize the quality of the content as well as the user actions (e.g. clicks on links in the content and social shares) digital messages generate. Here’s the key paragraph:
High quality, relevant content is increasingly the focus of search. This type of content ranks better on average, and is identifiable by properties such as a higher word-count and semantically comprehensive wording, as well as often being enriched by other media, such as images or video.
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