3 ways the Hemingway app will improve your writing
The Papa of all applications, it can turn the chore of churning out text into the joy of self-expression and accomplishment—and keep you from perpetuating bad habits.
Maybe you’re extra diligent and not able to enjoy your time off until you’ve done all your work. But give most people the choice, and they’d much rather play than work.
What if you could do both at the same time?
That’s exactly the reason why I like to “game” my writing. This idea occurred to me when I noticed how much fun my clients have whenever I suggest they use the Hemingway App.
Some have even reported to me that they’ve told all their colleagues about the app and soon just about everyone in their organization is using it. Why is it so popular? Three reasons, I think:
1. It allows you to improve your writing yourself. No need to suffer the shame of having an editor or a boss red-pencil your crappy first draft. You’re protected by the anonymity of the Internet.
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