3 easy fixes for common social media errors
Stop making the same mistakes—especially when the solutions are so simple.
Whether you’ve been using social media for a while or you’re just getting started, most businesses are making the same costly social media blunders.
The good news is that these blunders have an easy fix. Here are three common social media blunders and how to fix them:
1. Persuade leadership to buy in
Social media is (still) the new kid on the block, and unless you like raised eyebrows or being scrutinized and micromanaged every step of the way, it’s important you have cooperation and consent from all levels of leadership, starting from the top.
How to fix it:
Be prepared with presentations, statistics and information about what your competitors are doing and how social media affects your industry. Leadership buy- in will help create an atmosphere that will nurture social media success.
Social media needs to infiltrate your company’s culture in every department—not just marketing. Have patience. Don’t forget, there is a steep learning curve when it comes to attaining social media zen.
2. Beware of the Social Media Guru
As I mentioned, there isn’t a degree in social media marketing and business development. Just about anyone can call himself (or herself) a social media guru.
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