29 words with unexpected spellings
Some words have straightforward constructions, while others can stump even the most proficient spellers. Can you nail these brainteasers?

English spelling rules are just weird.
We have words that sound the same but are spelled differently (i.e. you and ewe), words with letters that have nothing to do with how the word is pronounced (i.e. thought, although), words that contain silent letters (knight, pneumonia) and words that don’t have a singular form (trousers, alms).
Here’s a look at 29 words that aren’t spelled the way you would expect. Can you spell them without looking them up?
1. Asphyxiate
2. Brusque
3. Carburetor
4. Champagne
5. Convalesce
6. Derriere
7. Desiccate
8. Eerie
9. Handkerchief
10. Hiccough
11. Inoculate
12. Iridescent
13. Doorjamb
14. Jewelry
15. Memento
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