25 tips to punch up your writing
Filled with classic advice and fresh ideas, this list can help even seasoned pros.

With that in mind, here are 25 quick ideas—some are old classics and some are more creative—to improve your writing:
1. Cut clutter. Can you make your point faster? Do it.
2. Use spell check. It’s an obvious tip, but an important one. Check your writing for spelling and grammar mistakes. You want to communicate to readers that you care enough to be professional.
3. Read aloud. There’s no substitute for reading your words with your ears as well as your eyes. Read aloud to catch mistakes and get a sense of flow.
4. Use active verbs. Active verbs add power to your writing and carry paragraphs forward. It’s not that you can never use passive voice, but use it strategically.
5. Choose your words carefully. Seek opportunities to use precise, descriptive language that helps readers visualize and experience what you’re saying.
6. Eliminate empty modifiers. Many adjectives and adverbs don’t provide information and are mere filler (words like really, very, etc.). Avoid them.
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