14 no-nos to avoid during media interviews
And what you should say and do instead.
2. Don’t assume too much knowledge on the part of the audience. Keep it simple. Your audience only has one chance to understand you.
3. Don’t rely on cold, corporate-sounding messaging. Personalize the interview and look for the human angle.
4. Don’t begin with background information. Get to the heart of the issue first—start with the headline, then go on to the relevant details.
5. Don’t go into unnecessary detail. When you have said what you need to say, stop.
6. Don’t promote your organization too obviously or turn the interview into a sales pitch. Keep your answers relevant and authentic.
7. Don’t let your eye line wander from the interviewer—you will look nervous and unsettled. Look directly at the interviewer to show that you are confident about what you are saying.
8. Don’t ignore questions or say “no comment.” The audience will wonder what you have to hide. If you can’t give an answer, explain why.
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