10 things your boss never wants to hear
These taboo utterances can cast you as irresponsible, immature, or ill-equipped to handle your responsibilities, says Monster.com. (Psssst! Don’t be that person.)

The problem often is that they’re unwittingly saying and doing things that communicate to the boss that they’re incompetent, uncooperative, or immature—qualities no boss likes in an employee.
Don’t want to be that employee? Then steer clear of saying these things that are sure to put any boss in a bad mood.
1. “It’s not my fault.” Even if it’s not, saying so just makes you sound like a 6-year-old. Adults take responsibility, and then take action to make things right. Bosses want employees that are always part of the solution—especially after they’ve been part of the problem.
2. “It’s not my job.” Your responsibilities aren’t limited to those specifically stated in your job description. If the boss is asking you about something that needs to be done then it’s your job. When you say otherwise to his face, you sound childish, disrespectful, and uncooperative.
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